911 Hangup |
An emergency call that was disconnected or unable to establish contact. |
Aggravated Assault |
Threat, by action or words, to commit violence to another person, likely to cause great bodily harm or permanent disfigurement. Includes threatening violence through the use of a weapon which is likely to cause death or great bodily harm |
Aggravated Battery |
Unlawful touching of another person, which causes great bodily harm or permanent disfigurement; or striking another person with a deadly weapon without intent to kill. |
Animal Abuse |
Acts of violence or neglect perpetrated against animals. |
Arson |
Willingly damaging a dwelling, structure, or vehicle (includes cars, trucks, trailers, boats, and airplanes) by fire or explosion. |
Assault |
Threat, by action or words, to commit violence to another person. |
Assault On Law Enforcement Officer |
Threat, by action or words, to commit violence to or upon a law enforcement officer. |
Auto Theft |
The theft of a motor vehicle. Includes cars, trucks, utility trailers, motorcycles and boats. |
Auto Theft Recovery |
Recovery of stolen cars, trucks, utility trailers, motorcycles or boats. |
Battery |
Unlawful or unauthorized touching of another person. |
Battery On Law Enforcement Officer |
Unlawful or unauthorized touching of or upon a law enforcement officer. |
Beverage & Alcohol Violation |
Possession of an open container of an alcoholic beverage within 500 feet of a business licensed to sell alcoholic beverages. |
Bomb |
The placement or creation of explosive device with the intent to cause harm. |
Bomb Threat |
A verbal threat indicating the placement or creation of explosive device with the intent to cause harm. |
Burglary - Auto |
Unlawful entry of a motor vehicle with the intent to commit any other crime, such as: theft, criminal mischief, assault, battery, etc. |
Burglary - Commercial |
Unlawful entry of a structure used for business or storage, with the intent to commit any other crime, such as: theft, criminal mischief, assault, battery, etc. |
Burglary - Residential |
Unlawful entry of a structure used as a dwelling (house, apartment, hotel/ motel room), with the intent to commit any other crime, such as: theft, criminal mischief, assault, battery, etc. |
Business Check |
Child Abuse |
Criminal assault, battery, or neglect upon a minor. |
City Ordinances Violation |
Infractions of any enforceable City Ordinances. |
Community Policing |
Crash - Hit & Run |
One or more vehicles colliding with each other, in which one vehicle has intentionally fled the scene to avoid liability or prosecution. |
Crash With Out Injuries |
One or more vehicles colliding with each other, or with any other pedestrian or object, which results in any property damage or injury. |
Crash With Injuries |
One or more vehicles colliding with each other, or with any other pedestrian or object, in which an occupant or pedestrian has been injured. |
Criminal Mischief |
Causing damage to the property of another person or business. Commonly called vandalism, and includes graffiti. |
Dealing Stolen Property |
Intentional monetary gain by the sale of known stolen goods. |
Disorderly Conduct |
Any act, which is of a nature to corrupt the public morals, or outrage the sense of public decency, or which affects the peace and quiet of another. Includes brawling and fighting, and disturbing the peace. |
Disorderly Intoxication |
Causing a public disturbance while intoxicated, or endangering the safety of another person or property while intoxicated. |
Drug Violation |
Possession, possession with intent to sell, sale, or trafficking of any illegal drug or prescription drug without a valid prescription. Also includes possession of drug paraphernalia. |
Operating, or being in physical control of, any motor vehicle while under the influence of alcoholic beverages or any drug, or other substance, whether legal or illegal. |
DUI: .02 |
As with DUI, but with a measured Blood-Alcohol Content level of at least .02% by volume. |
Elder Abuse |
An intentional act, or failure to act, by a caregiver or another that causes or creates a risk of harm to an older adult. |
Extortion |
Obtaining money or property by threat or intimidation to a victim's property or loved ones. |
Forgery |
The making of a fake document, the modification of an existing document, or the unauthorized signing of a signature without authorization. |
Fraud |
Engaging in a scheme to defraud another, with the intent to obtain property; or, obtaining property under false pretenses. |
Gambling |
Accepting, recording, or registering bets, a lottery, or playing any game of chance, for money or other things of value. |
Hazmat |
An incident involving hazardous materials requiring specialized response. |
Hoax |
Intentional report of misinformation or a false incident. |
Homicide |
The unlawful killing of a human being. |
Homicide - Attempted |
The attempted unlawful killing of a human being. |
Indecent Exposure |
Displaying one's genitalia to one or more other people in public view. |
Kidnapping |
Abduction of another person with the intent to cause harm or for ransom. |
Lewd & Lascivious |
Conduct or entertainment which aims at arousing the libido or causing sexual sensation. |
Loitering or Prowling |
Being in a place, at a time or in a manner, that is not usual for law-abiding citizens. The circumstances raise immediate suspicion about the safety of people or property. |
Loud Noise or Music |
Music, voices, or other noises, which unreasonably disturb the peace of another person. |
Miscellaneous Service Call |
Any type of request for assistance which generated an incident record |
Obscene Phone Calls |
Intentional harassment, intimidation, or threats of harm via verbal or text communication. |
Prostitution |
Performing sex acts in exchange for money or other compensation. |
Recovered Property |
Items reported as stolen and located or recovered by law enforcement. |
Residential Check |
Resisting Law Enforcement Officer |
Attempts to avoid law enforcement by fleeing, evading, misinformation, or physical resistance. |
Robbery - Armed |
Taking money or other property from a person using force, violence, assault, or putting the person in fear, and using a firearm or other weapon. |
Robbery - Carjacking |
The unauthorized taking of a motor vehicle from a person, using force, violence, assault, or the threat of violence. |
Robbery - Snatching |
Taking money or other property from another person, and during the course of the taking, the other person was aware or became aware of the taking. |
Robbery - Strongarm |
Taking money or other property from a person using force, violence, assault, or putting the person in fear. No firearm or other weapon is used. |
Sexual Battery |
Non-consensual sexual activity that is committed by physical force, threat of injury, or other duress. |
Stalking |
The unwanted pursuit of another person, such as following a person, appearing at a person's home or place of business. |
Suicide |
The act or an instance of taking one's own life voluntarily and intentionally. |
Suspicious |
Any non-specific report of suspicious activities or individuals. |
Suspicious Package |
Any non-specific report of suspicious bundles, packages, or unknown devices. |
Theft - Grand |
The unlawful taking of property which is any of the following: valued at more than $300, a firearm, a motor vehicle, a will, codicil, or other testamentary instrument, a fire extinguisher, any farm animal, more than 2,000 pieces of fruit, a stop sign, anhydrous ammonia, any property stolen from a posted construction site, or any property valued at $100-$300 and taken from a dwelling. |
Theft - Petit |
The unlawful taking of any property not listed as grand theft. |
Trespass Warning |
Posting of a notice of Trespassing at the request of property owner, or a verbal warning from law enforcement to vacate. |
Trespassing |
Entering another person's property without permission of the owner or legal authority. |
Unable To Verify |
Incident not located. |
Underage Alcohol Possession |
Possession of alcoholic beverage by a person under 21 years of age at the time of the possession. |
Wanted Person |
An individual with outstanding warrants or facing criminal prosecution. |
Weapons Violation |
The unlawful possession or use of any type of firearm, weapon, or explosive. |